Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Cardboard Testimonies
We went to a Saturday night service last night at a church. Friends of ours are on staff there, well, the husband is. It was a refreshing service and we really enjoyed it. At the end of the service they did Cardboard Testimonies. It was so amazing to see how God has changed people's lives... I know He has changed mine.
Check out the Cardboard Testimonies clip from Youtube:
Posted by
Melissa Denise
10:49 a.m.
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Happy New Year!
I feel like so much has happened that I have not had a chance to write about. Before christmas I really had trouble sitting down and writing on here. I felt like I didn't have time and I was soo rushed. I love looking at the calendar in January because there is honestly nothing on it, no plans, no appointments, just free time!!
Sommer had her 14 month check -up today! Honestly, 14 months, where the heck did time go!?!? She weighs 23.5 lbs and is really tall! I am not sure how tall she is because the Doctor put down the same number (46cm) for her height and head circum. What the heck??? She loves to run, dance, climb on the couch (all on her own), and bite. Yes, bite! We are working on the biting thing and have been for a while. The unfortunate part is that her friend at daycare also bites, so they egg each other on. Poor Tanya has a horrible time keeping her daughter and Sommer from biting each other... we hope this is a stage she will soon grow out of! Sommer can say a couple of words: Mom, Dad, Dog, Ball, and her favorite "Yeah!". She will mimmick words if you ask her to copy you which is really cute! She is growing up too fast!!
We had a wonderful Christmas at my parents house in Vancouver, Washington (Portland). We got to see all of my dads side of the family as well as some from my moms side. Of course Sommer got spoiled with lots of presents including a blow-up bounce castle (complete with balls)from my parents. It was too big to bring back on the plane with us so my grandparents will bring it with them when they return from going south at the end of Feb. We didn't buy Sommer lots of gifts as she has no idea what Christmas is. We bought her a housecoat and a potty! No, I don't think I will have her pottytrained by 15 months but she does not what a potty is and she does know when she is going to the bathroom. So I figured it is never too early to introduce her to the potty - no pressure - so we will see.
In other news I have officially retired as a Realtor!!! It was a hard decision to make but I knew that my heart was no longer in that area. I will miss working in the re-sale world of real estate but am still working for Trademark Homes Inc. as their Client Care Rep and also in their office. My heart has always been in the new homes and that is where I enjoy working. We have around 12 homes on the go right now so I am very busy!! Right now I work Tuesday - Thursday (9-5 pm) so I love having my weekends, Mondays, and Fridays off to spend time with Sommer! There isn't a better set-up (maybe not working at all) and if something comes up and I don't go to work then there is no pressure!! I just don't go!
I am happy to be home from vacation and ready to get back to a normal life. I really hate winter - have I mentioned that before!?!?! I just wish it was spring time out and there would be a glimmer of hope that it is almost Summer time!!! I REALLY HATE WINTER! Right now, as I type this, there is a mound of snow piling up in front of my garage door.... I am not impressed!! I know in the spring I will complain on here about the mud we have outside and how we don't have a driveway, etc., etc., but I am still going to wish for that time to come soon. Anything is better than snow, wind and cold weather!
Posted by
Melissa Denise
10:21 p.m.