Monday, November 19, 2007

I love Mommyhood

The joys of Mommyhood.
1) Her sleeping on your chest. Day... Night...Day...Night
2) Seeing her curled up, sleeping soundly, knowing you brought her into the world
3) Feeding her and seeing her little eyes staring up at you with love
4) Little grunts, cries, and squirms... the sounds of life!
5) Little ears, nose, and mouth
6) All nighters, getting to know each other a little better
7) Seeing her with Daddy, Daddy little Angel!
8) Outfit changes, up to 5x a day, how does someone who never leaves the house get so dirty?
9) Nowing that she depends on you for life, a Mommy is someone special
10) Watching her discover new things, even as simple as the light above the kitchen table!

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