Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Mother's out there will probably agree with me that Soother's are LIFE SAVERS! Sommer only likes the soother that she got from NICU and the bad thing is that I can't buy that kind in the stores. I was freaking out because what if I lost it while we were travelling to the states... she only takes that one kind. I have tried switching the soother so she would like a store brand but nope, she totally knows the difference. Plus, the NICU soother is massive and bulky plastic green... but she totally loves it. Luckily my grandma's cousin is a nurse at the hospital and she brought me over 2 more just in case something happens. It pays to know someone at the hospital. When I'm in the states I am going to order some off the internet because this brand delivers to the states, not Canada. Oh dear... so much work for a passifier!

My other problem with her soother is that she really only falls asleep when she is sucking on it. So when she is in her crib not quite asleep and the soother falls out of her mouth she will cry. That means I have to walk down the hall just to put that stupid soother back in her mouth. There are some nights I walk down the hall probably 5 times for that soother. I have honestly contemplated sleeping on the floor in her bedroom until she is asleep to save me the walk down the hall. Currently she is almost asleep in her swing and I have got up 3x from typing this to put the soother in her mouth. I have such a love/hate relationship with that thing! Love it because she will be so quiet with it in her mouth and hate it because it doesn't stay there all the time.

Oh my... I use to blog about adult issues, now look at me, it's soothers and naptimes. Ha! Life sure can change :)

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