What a horrible weekend this has been!!! On Friday afternoon Sommer was really wheezy and had developed a wheezy cough. To be honest I didn't really think anything of it. But later I was talking to my mom and she said that she didn't like the sound of the cough. So I phoned my friend and got her opinion and then I phoned the health line... by the end of all this phoning we were packing up Sommer and heading to emergency at 10 pm at night! UGH! She was really wheezy by the time we got there and often couldn't catch her breath after her coughing spells. They took one look at her and put us right in a room, no waiting in the waiting room! Of course Sommer didn't like the nurses touching her and trying to get her tempature or blood pressure. She hated them listening to her chest but luckily after 3 hours we got to go home with a puffer & puffer chamber and antibiotics. Ends up Sommer has RSV chest infection and also an ear infection (which I had no clue about!).
Yesterday she had a pretty high fever and was super out of it! She spent most of the day sleeping and cuddling with whoever would sit with her. It broke my heart! She was sooo sick! She just walked around crying and hot and all around pretty grumpy! She doesn't like taking her puffer so it's a real fight to get it in her, but usually we can atleast get her to breathe a couple puffs. We are very glad that she got sick this week and not next as we leave for Cuba on Sunday, March 1st! By then her ear infection and RSV should be under control and hopefully gone! Please continue to pray a speedy recovery for her so she can enjoy the vacation! Today she is a little better than yesterday. She actually ate some lunch and is napping nicely upstairs right now. Her fever is pretty much gone and now she just needs to get rid of the RSV.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
My very sick baby!
Posted by
Melissa Denise
2:06 p.m.
My interview from a blog friend!
One of my blog friends, A Little Bit of Us , did an interview and I thought it sounded like fun. She asked if anyone wanted to be interviewed by her and I said yes! Here is what she asked me :)
1) Sommer seems like a sweet little girl. Any more babies in the plans?
Yes! I can't wait to have more babies! We wanted to have our kids 2 years apart but then James got on this kick about babies being born in the beginning of the year. Something about most of the great athletes are born Jan-March and babies born in November & December are disadvantaged in sports. So now our plans have changed to try for a baby that will be born at the beginning of next year... so stayed tuned :)
2) I worked in a real estate office for a few years and loved it. I always contemplated getting my realtor license. What made you decide to go that career path?
My grandparents use to own one of Regina's biggest home building companies so I have always been around the realestate market. I loved the lifestyle that they lived and how flexible it was, so when I wasn't enjoying University I decided to give it a try! I loved being a Realtor but I decided to let my license go since I was focusing on being a Mom and having more kids and the fees you have to pay as a Realtor are very expensive. Now I work for our own new home building company - Trademark Homes - so I am still in the market in a way. New homes has always been where my heart is at so I totally LOVE my job now. Not to mention I only work 3 days a week now :) It's wonderful!
3) How long have you been with James? How did you meet?
James and I have been together since May 2003. We got engaged after 6 months of dating (December 2003) and got married August 2004! We met at Canadian Bible College where we both did our first year out of highschool. We didn't really hang out while at College but at the end of school we started talking and the rest is history!
4) When you get a little bit of kid free time, what's your favorite thing to do?
Hmmm.... kid free time?? Wow... has it really been that long since I had a moment to myself??? I honestly don't know how to answer this question as Sommer is usually always with me :) But I like to go shopping and go to Chapters. I LOVE to read books so that is usually what I do with my "free time". HomeSense is a great place to go for an hour and find some good deals.
5) There are so many new restaurants popping up in the city. What's your favorite place to go and eat out?
I wouldn't say that I have a FAVORITE place to go. But we do like to go to a few over & over again. We like Brewsters for wing night/40% off appetizer night, we like Houston Pizza for their lasagna special, we like Joey's Only Seafood anytime, we LOVE Red Lobsters for special occasions, and if it's REALLY special then we love Golf's Steakhouse!
If you would like to join in on the interview, follow these directions:
1. Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me”.
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions
Posted by
Melissa Denise
1:46 p.m.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Hoping Winter is Almost OVER!
Happy Valentines Day! Hard to believe it was exactly a year ago when Sommer started babbling and I was able to catch it on video in a Valentines Special :) Now her vocabulary has come a long way and currently she can say: Mommy, Daddy, Puppy, Baby, Yes, No, Please, Thank You, Uh-Oh, Juice, Socks, Shoes, and probably many more than I can not think of off the top of my head! She does her "s's" backwards by instead of blowing out her "s" she sucks it in. Very cute little twist to words that end in "s". We have had a very low key Valentines day in Outlook visiting James' parents. Sommer was extremely tired this evening and everything was causing a meltdown. Funny how they get so clumsy when they are tired and anything can set them off into a crying meltdown. Its almost 9 and I think she is tucked away in the playpen in our room - hopefully sleeping!
This morning Sommer woke up at 8 am - which is early for us! She was ready for a nap around 11:00 am but I knew if she napped at that time our afternoon nap would be nonexistant. So I decided to take Sommer downstairs and snuggle with her on the bed for a quiet time. I wasn't sure she would stay but we snuggled for 1 hour together under the warm covered. She LOVES "criss/cross apple sauce" on her back and "round and round the garden" on her tummy. She was so snuggly and cute... there aren't too many days like that anymore. She is not a baby anymore and has turned into quite the independant little lady.
We are gearing up for a BUSY March! From March 1-9th we are off to Cuba with James's sister Jenn, her husband Dan and their 6 month old baby named Mara. We have got our twinrix and twinrix Jr. needles to protect again the carribbean diseases. I always watch those commercials about Hep A & Hep B and get nervous so I thought instead of stress about everything we would all get our shots. We are with Jenn & Dan for 4 days as they get there 3 days before us and we stay 3 days after them. It will be so nice to escape this cold weather! We are home for 2 weeks after March 9th and then we leave for SanDiego on March 28th for a week with my family! We are staying in a Condo there and hopefully will take in the Wild Animal Park, SanDiego Zoo, Tijuana Mexico, and hopefully some hot days by the pool.
HOPEFULLY we only have one real week of winter left as March will mainly be full of warm days spent elsewhere!
Posted by
Melissa Denise
8:51 p.m.