Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.

Well, this blog has been a long time coming. I just want to thank everyone who has lifted us up in prayer and has been so encouraging to us over the past two years as we have been on our fertility journey! What amazing friends you have been and we/I have been so grateful for all your support! It is with great JOY that we announce we are EXPECTING A BABY!!!!!!!!!!! At the end of January, due date is January 29th, we are expected have a new addition to the McCullough family! God Is Good!

God Is Good, yes, he really is. It is actually kind of humourous as we found out we were pregnant the month before our fertility treatments were suppose to start. I had my prescription waiting to be filled. I took off the month of May from all charting, temperature taking and anything being "timed". I found it was funny that I had no idea what day of my cycle I was on and when I finally looked at a calendar I was day 34. I took a test and sure enough, I was pregnant!

We have had 3 ultrasounds and at each one the baby has been healthy with a strong heartbeat! Last week was our 12 week (3 month) ultrasound and it was amazing to see our perfectly developed little peanut on the screen with 2 arms, 2 legs and loud beating heart. How long I have been waiting to see that image - it was a moment I will never forget!

So thank you for your prayers. Thank you for your love and support. Please continue to lift us up in prayer throughout the next couple of months as this baby grows and develops. This baby is a miracle and such a blessing, I thank God every day for this special opportunity to carry another child and to one day meet this gift from God.

Monday, July 05, 2010

Just another quiet Monday!

Another Monday night here in the Greens on Gardiner Show Home. I will take this quiet opportunity to once again update my blog and reflect on my crazy life. I look forward to Monday nights in the Show Home, even when I know they will be slow. Sometimes peace and quiet is a welcome to change, especially to a mom with a busy 2.5 year old!

The new house is coming along nicely. We had a minor set back when we had a record amount of rail fall and our basement flooded. Unfortunately the carpet all got wet and so did some interior doors, etc. What was really annoying was that the house became too humid and the hardwood floor people had to pull out from doing upstairs. This has probably set us back a couple of weeks in our possession date. Fortunately we still have time before the possession of our current house so this minor hiccup isn't too big of a deal. Now, if we could just get things rolling a little faster I would be happy. I deal so well with assuring my clients that they will get their house on time but I am nagging James and he says I am the worst homeowner he has had to deal with. Ah, the joys of being married to the boss!

Bedtimes with Sommer has come a long way since my last post! James has been working on the house till late at night so I took the chance to get Sommer on a good schedule which has included being in bed by 9. Now, what I think has really helped us is that I have cut out her nap completely so she is exhausted by bedtime. Luckily I have also convinced her daycare provider to do the same. It did take some convincing and she still isn't 100% keen on the idea but it has really helped... a lot! I have done the three warning rule at night because Sommer is the QUEEN of excuses and it has made her stay in her room. Usually the first warning is given up to letting her come out to pee and I have just come to expect this. But after that she is fine! I always hate telling her she can't come out to pee because since the day she became potty trained she has also been sleeping in underwear so really if she has to pee and wets the bed then it's more of a pain for me. (By the way... she has never peed the bed once... not in 8 months!!!) Tonight James is putting her to bed so we will see how he does with the new schedule. I am sure he will have a harder time because he seems to get her SO wound up before bed!

We got home last week from 10 days vacation. We spent 2 days in Calgary and took Sommer to the zoo. She loved it. Love all the animals. I think 2.5 is a perfect age for the zoo! We had beautiful weather and had so much fun seeing my best friend Lyn, Sommer's namesake. After Calgary we went out to Chase, BC for a week with my family. It was such a relaxing time. We had a lakefront house so we put out boat right in on the first day and took it out the last. We went to a neighbouring town and did some shopping. We played croquet, did some fishing, boating, tanning, reading - it was wonderful! Sommer was a trooper on the way home as it was a 16 hour drive! Of course she wanted out of her car seat every once and a while but I did too!

So that's about all that is new around here! Hope everyone is having a great summer!!