Thursday, September 06, 2007

Rockin' the night away... soon!

I GOT IT!!!!!!!!! I convinced James that I NEEDED that rocking chair from Sears and last night we went and picked it up. It's a little large for the room, but it is going to work well. I can't wait for a little baby to rock in the that chair all night. It matches perfectly too! It is so comfortable, but my feet dont touch the ground. Oh well, that's what the ottoman is for.
In other news my parents bought James and I a webcam! They are such excited grandparents. So now they can see the baby when it comes and I can show them my belly every day. I have already had a great chat with my sister over webcam, oh technology! My brother has one in England, my sister has one in Bellingham, my parents have one in Portland, and my brother's girlfriend has one in Victoria! We are one connected family. It's great because we can chat over it too, so it's like a telephone!
Today my office is throwing me and my friend Shauna (her boyfriend works with me) a baby shower at noon. So I should really get ready and head on over. The webcam distracted me all morning, haha.
Have a great day!!


Glendyne Gerrard said...

I love the nursery - great colors! Fun times.

Anonymous said...

I knew James would get you the rocker :)!! Your nursery is lovely ... I am happy for you! You and your friend both look adorable!