Thursday, January 11, 2007

David Copperfield

Tonight is going to be a VERY fun night! James and I are going out for dinner (I hope) and then we are going to David Copperfield, the illusionist! How fun is that? I have been looking forward to this performance for sometime now, as I bought the tickets back in November! My mom was a little worried that I was going to an "illusionist" because she thought he was evil. I told her not to worry because he is not evil, he admits that he is only playing "eye tricks" and there is no majic involved. It is kind of scary when you think about how your eyes can play tricks on you. Did you know that he made the Effiel Tower "disappear"? How cool is that??
Speaking of "cool", today is FREEZING cold! Without the windchill -29 C and with the windchill -41 C! Needless to say James is not working today... but that is okay, he can catch up in some paperwork and do his GST remittance, and probably play with Lexis. I want a snow day!!!

I write my Real Estate Course 1 exam next Monday evening so I have been studying hard with that all week. I hope that I do okay, I am sure I will. But I should get back to studying here... later!


Sheena said...

I hope you enjoy the show!

Big news.....Jason Clermont (BC Lions) might be traded to his home town, Regina, and writing his Real Estate test (whatever it is called)to work at Royal LePage...I told you it was big news. Let's just hope he doesn't get hurt like last year!

Anonymous said...

David Copperfield is evil... second in command I heard