Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Lexis Magoo
Posted by
Melissa Denise
9:13 p.m.
Monday, May 28, 2007
New News!
So I went to the doctor's today to get a permission slip for my pre-natal yoga class and ended up getting a check up. Which is fine by me because a check up means I can listen to the baby's heart beat! I got weighed again today and am proud to say that I have gained 7 lbs in the past 3.5 weeks! (No one else would ever be excited about this weight gain, but I sure am!) That means I have gained back the 5 lbs that I lost the first three months which is very exciting. I am still on Dilectin 2x a day because without it I would still be sick. But hopefully I will start to be able to manage without it because I do not want to be on drugs for another 4 months. The baby's heartbeat was nice and strong. Last time the doctor had troubles finding it but this time it was pumping nice and loud. She said "wow, that's a very strong heart beat, must be a boy!" which of course made me very excited. My next ultrasound is on Friday at 2:15 pm, so expect some good pictures posted of the peanut. We can find out for sure if it's a boy or girl, I'm so excited!!!
I spent all day Saturday working again. Showing houses all morning and writing offers and doing counter offers all afternoon and evening. I was so extremely tired on Sunday that I could hardly wake up. I fell asleep for a good part of the afternoon which was nice because it was so harm lying in the sun... I felt like a cat! Lexis spent the weekend outside playing and running around. She was also exhausted from a long weekend... but lucky her she can sleep all day if she wants to. James bobcated (is that a word) the front "lawn" area to get ready for sod to be laid. Hopefully that will be done this week! Then we are finished landscaping and our house is officially complete :)
I should get back to work here. I have more showings this afternoon so I have to get prepared for that. Later friends :)
Posted by
Melissa Denise
3:01 p.m.
19 week update!
- The baby weighs about 8 1/2 ounces
- Measures 6 inches long from head to bottom (About the length of a small zucchini!!!)
- The hair on his scalp is sprouting!
- If the baby is a girl, she has 6 million eggs in her ovaries
- This is a crucial time for sensory development: Your baby's brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision and touch.
- He may be able to hear you talk!
- Research shows that he's learning to distinguish your voice from others, and he'll soon show a preference for it.
Posted by
Melissa Denise
2:56 p.m.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
WOW! Hard to believe I am already 18 weeks pregnant! I can remember when I was only 8 weeks and I would look ahead into my weekly updates dreaming of the week when I will be sent the 15 week and 18 week update because the baby looked so developed! Well, I am receiving those updates and loving every minute of this pregnancy. I can say that now that I am into my 2nd trimester and on medication for being sick! Drugs can do wonders!
This past weekend I felt the baby move for the first time. I was lying on the floor in the 5th wheel and I stretched up to tell James something and my whole belly did a complete summersault on the inside. SO COOL! I screamed, of course, and then patiently waited for it to happen again. But it didn't. He must have just repositioned himself and then went back to sleep, silly boy. I have felt it since, but nothing like the first time. Now I feel little bubbles, that remind me of indigestion or gas. Nice little butterfly tickles on the inside of me.... how wonderful it is to feel new life inside you! If only James could experience what I am it would be great, but he has to rely on what I tell him.
Another thing I am noticing is how forgetful I am!! Last week I booked an appointment for these guys to come pick up or loveseat to get recovered. I woke up that morning and remembered they were coming, hopped in the shower and then left for work!! UGH! So, they called and said there was noone home and I convinced that I would be right there in 2 minutes, don't move! Then they phoned when they were finished and I said they could bring it back on Tuesday morning. Again, I remembered they were coming when I woke up but forgot about them after I was done my morning routine. Luckily I didn't leave the house this time, I just couldn't figure out who was rining my door bell... AND THEN I booked an appointment to get some highlights in my hair (highlights are safe, don't worry!) for yesterday at 4:00. At 1:00 I remembered I had the appointment but at 4:50 I looked at the clock and noticed I was almost an hour late. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!! I am never one to forget an appointment so I can only blame this on the pregnancy. I have an appointment at 2:00 pm today and I can not forget to go!!!! I am reminding myself every time I look at the clock... I will let you know if I actually make it to it or not.
Well, I should go and find some lunch here since all I have eaten today is Banana bread that James made. Hope everyone has a good COLD May Day, what is up with this weather???
Love always,
Posted by
Melissa Denise
12:09 p.m.
18 week baby update!
- Head to bottom the baby is about 5 1/2 inches long (about the length of a large sweet potatoe!)
- He weighs almost 7 ounces
- He is busy flexing her arms and legs (Movements I should start to notice more and more)
- Myelin (a protective covering) is beginning to form around his nerves, a process that will continue for a year after he is born.
- If I end up having a girl, her uterous and fallopian tubes are formed and in place.
- If what I think is true, and I am having a boy, his genitals are noticeable though he may try and hide them from us in an ultrasound (BETTER NOT!)
Posted by
Melissa Denise
12:04 p.m.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Watch what you say!
I believe today will be a beautiful Thursday, with the high of 31 degrees! WOO HOO! I just love the summer weather and I blame in on being born in the South. It's simply in my blood! I would much rather take scrotching hot weather than any amount of snow. Winter depresses and confines me. I never feel like myself when it is the winter months. But as soon as Spring hits I am freed from the winter blues. Energy returns!
Today's blog might be a bit of a rant but I find I need to get this off my chest. I don't have many petpeeves but I do have one. I hate, and I mean it seriously bother's me, when people say "Oh my God!". I would rather hear the rudest, crudest and harshest curse word than to have to listen to someone say "Oh my God". I just think why do you need to say that? Can you not think of anything else to say in place of that? Do you even know what that means? And I know a lot of "church" people who say that which bothers me even more. I understand some people don't even know they are saying it but to me that means you need a reality check. Oh my God should be used as words to describe the most amazing and precious teacher, father and friend. The words should show your awe for such a powerful God. They should not be used lightly, they are words that proclaim what an great God we serve! I can't remember the last time I said those 3 words. I was taught you don't say them if you aren't referring to God, which I still strongly believe today. So, know you know my petpeeve, if you are around me please watch what you say.
Well, that was random but I feel better about it! I should find some work to do at work...
Posted by
Melissa Denise
9:27 a.m.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Patience... something I just don't have enough of!
It's after lunch and I am sitting in my office waiting to hear back if an offer my clients and I wrote last evening is being accepted or rejected. It's a hard thing to sit and wait, especially when you are an impatient person such as me. But that's is what I need to work on, patience (sp?), and there is no better job than being a real estate agent that will teach you that needed fruit of the spirit. Being an impatient person can have it's troubles, such as when I was waiting to get engaged, waiting for the wedding day, and now waiting to meet our first child. I hate waiting! I am a planner and an organizer, I want things to fall into place just as I think they should... often that never ends up happening. But oh well, slowly I am learning to have patience, but will God just hurry up and listen to how I want things to be (just kidding)!
This weekend we did celebrate Mother's Day, even though James still did not think I really should be celebrating it. We went to Moxies for brunch, where I got a beautiful Tiger Lilly to plant in my backyard. So many people did wish me a Happy Mother's Day which just made me so proud. When you have that baby inside you, you realize how special life is. I am honoured to be blessed with the responsibility of caring for this little life, who is so dependent on me for survival and love. What an awesome feeling!
This weekend we are joining James' family out at Douglas for the May Long weekend! We aren't going to leave till Saturday morning because I can't miss PreNatal Yoga! They have a seasonal camp site and this marks the first weekend of it being available. Some of James' sisters from Winnipeg will be there, so it should be a really fun time. I hope I don't have to sleep in a tent because I already have so much problems falling asleep in a bed. My back is starting to get really sore, especially above my tail bone. The doctor did say this is common at around 4 months because your uterous is getting large enough to reach your naval and it rearranges all your internal organs. How gross!
Well, I should head back to work here! I hope you all are enjoying the weather because it is so gorgeous outside right now!
Love always,
Posted by
Melissa Denise
12:44 p.m.
Monday, May 14, 2007
17 week update :)
- The baby is about 5 oz
- He is around 5 inches long (about the size of a large onion)
- The umblical cord (his lifeline to the placenta) is growing stronger and thicker
- The baby can move his joints
- His skeleton, until now cartilage, is hardening into bone (a newborns skeleton is made of 300 bones!)
- I should feel the baby kick sometime within the next two weeks
- The baby will triple in size within the next 3 weeks!
Last night James was watching a 20/20 presentation about this baby who was 5 months developed (1 month ahead of our baby) and had to have a tumor removed from his lung cavity! It was so amazing to watch. The doctors went into the mother's uterous and cut it open and got to the tiny developing baby. The couldn't bring the babies head out of the placenta, it wasn't ready to be born yet of course. But they ended up bringing his arm out, the smallest, most precious little arm and hand in the world. I was just amazed at what these doctors could do. Here they were saving the life of a 5 month developed child and it was half delivered and half not. AMAZING! The doctor could hold the little baby's hand, which was the size of his thumb nail. The baby turned out fine, but did come 6 weeks early. But today he is a fully funtioning 3 year old boy. God sure does amazing things!
Posted by
Melissa Denise
11:52 a.m.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Why am I up?
I really should be in bed right now. I have not stayed up this late (10:15 pm, haha) in many weeks. James and I are early to bed and James is the only one early to rise. Yes, I can't complain, most days I do find myself in bed when the clock turns 8:30 am. All my pregnancy books tell me to sleep in as late as possible because my body needs the rest. So I take what I read seriously and sleep as long as I can. I just love it when the nights are warm enough to sleep with the window open, that fresh breeze blowing through the room and when you wake up the birds are singing! AMAZING! Welcome spring, I love you!
I have been so busy with my buyer clients these past couple of weeks. I can't wait for a couple of them to finally find the home they want to buy. I love my job so much but working with buyers can be very tiring. Especially because you are showing them houses when most people are finishing up the work day. But I won't change for my job for anything, I just hope great houses catch their eyes soon! If you know of anyone who is interested in listing their house and moving, please pass my name along to them! Me, and the rest of Regina, need more listings!!! I do give a referral pay for anyone who passes on my name (or gives me a name of a client) and they buy/list a house with me. Just keep that in mind, I always will give you something in return for your referrals. I appreciate you all!
This weekend is mother's day and I am trying to convince James that I am now considered a mother and must be showered with presents on this special day! James doesn't believe me though and says that next year will be my first mother's day, not now. Do I have to remind him that I am carrying HIS CHILD??? I have cut out the presesnt I want (a gold necklace with a diamond circle thing on it) and put it on the fridge. I hope every time he opens the fridge he feels guilty for saying he isn't getting me anything. Now, I know I am spoiled (I say blessed or loved) so I am thinking that I will get something. There hasn't been a special occasion pass where I haven't got something that I like. I just get nervous when he says he isn't celebrating mother's day with me until next year. That is not fair!
Well I should head to bed here and snuggle with Lexis, I mean, James. Ha! I am not sure how Lexis will take the new baby getting all the attention when it comes. She will be one jealous dog because she knows right now she is our baby. She is the only 50 lbs dog I know who sits on someones lap when they are watching TV. But we love her to peices! We even had to buy a new SUV for her because we take her absolutely everywhere with us and she never stays at home. Now some of you think I am spoiled... you haven't met my dog!
So, good night world!
Love always,
Posted by
Melissa Denise
10:15 p.m.
Monday, May 07, 2007
16 weeks and growing!
- The baby is 4 1/2 inches long (head to bottom)
- 3 1/2 onces (about the size of an avacado)
- In the next 3 weeks, he'll go through a tremendous growth spurt (doubling his weight and adding inches to his length)
- The patterning of his scalp has begun, though his hair isn't yet recognizable.
- Although closed, his eyes are moving (slowly)
- Toenails have even started growing!
My final ultrasound is scheduled for June 1 at 10:30 am! I will be 20 weeks by then so they can confirm the sex of the baby. I hope they do confirm that it is a boy, since I don't have a girls name picked out yet! I can't wait to see him again, I am so excited :)
Posted by
Melissa Denise
12:11 p.m.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Wow, I didn't throw up :)
Good Morning!
Yesterday was my 15 week doctor appointment check-up. Everything went ok, but I have lost 2 pounds in a month :( This is because I have been so sick, so the baby is growing and I am loosing! But I am now on a prescription so I stop throwing up all my food. I took it for the first time last night and guess what? I woke up this morning, opened my eyes, and didn't feel like I was going to loose everything! I got in the shower (I still don't have enough energy to stand in the shower so I sit down the whole time, haha) and I got out of the shower and still didn't throw up! Then I made myself some breakfast and I still have it inside my stomach! IT WORKS! Today was the first day in almost 4 months that I haven't thrown up before 10:00 in the morning! AMAZING!!!!
Also, yesterday at my appointment I got to hear the baby's heartbeat. I was getting nervous because they couldn't find it, which is totally common being that the baby is so small and moves around, but right when she was going to quit she found it. So awesome. Mine was slow and steady and his was so fast, like 2x the speed of mine. Dr. T said he has a very strong heartbeat. That's my son!!! I rubbed it into James that I got to hear the heartbeat and he didn't, he said as long as it was beating he didn't care. But I know he is jealous of me!
I ran into a friend (okay, newer friend I have made) at Shoppers yesterday when I was getting my prescription filled (which by the way costs $90!!!! I hope my drug plan covers this!) and my friend invited me to attend PreNatal Yoga class with her. She is 18 weeks along, and I am 15.5, so we are pretty close together. I am so excited for Yoga!!! I called right when I got home because it starts this Friday and they had a spot for me. Yoga is suppose to be very good for expecting mothers because they teach you how to do deep breathing, stretching, flexibility, and concentration... all of which will come in VERY useful in the next couple of months. Also, we are going to be starting a PreNatal aqua class in July, so the two of us are going to be very HOTT and in shape prego's. Now, I just have to convince James to buy me a new Yoga outfit, haha!
I should head off to work here this morning, since I am feeling better and all... I have lunch with Steph Gladysz today to plan Lauryl Gerrard's Shower... those ladies who know Glendyne, I would really encourage you to come to support Lauryl. Even if you haven't met her, she is a great young lady, and we would appreciate it if a lot of women would come and show her how supportive Living Hope Alliance is! It's Saturday at 10:30, at the Gladysz's home. Hope to see you there :)
Posted by
Melissa Denise
10:25 a.m.