Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Lexis Magoo

Lexis caught some baby Robin's yesterday. She was very excited about this find... I thought she would have killed them, but no, she was more intrigued with watching them hop around the yard. She did try to play with them, getting down low and barking at them. Finally she worked up the nerve to touch them, nudging them with her nose as they squaked and chirped at her. We told her to "be nice Lexis, give them kisses" like we usually do when she plays with small puppies. She didn't want to kiss them, instead she would nudge them with her nose and jump back in excitment. It was so cute to watch! I was proud of her for knowing how delicate they were and not killing them. I think she will make a wonderful big sister!
Tonight Lexis is in a funny mood. She can recognize pictures on the computer of herself and other dogs. She tried to bite the monitor and she barks at the screen, she is one smart dog! There are times when I show her baby pictures of herself, she doesn't know they are of her, silly dog just barks and gets excited to see a picture. I tell her, "That's you baby Magoo!" but she doesn't understand. I love Lexis!


Anonymous said...

Lexis is exquisitely beautiful!!

Mike said...

Hey Mel. Was great seeing you today at bread day. Thanks for coming. Hope you can join us again another time.