Monday, May 14, 2007

17 week update :)

This week is my baby is 17 weeks developed:
  • The baby is about 5 oz
  • He is around 5 inches long (about the size of a large onion)
  • The umblical cord (his lifeline to the placenta) is growing stronger and thicker
  • The baby can move his joints
  • His skeleton, until now cartilage, is hardening into bone (a newborns skeleton is made of 300 bones!)
  • I should feel the baby kick sometime within the next two weeks
  • The baby will triple in size within the next 3 weeks!

Last night James was watching a 20/20 presentation about this baby who was 5 months developed (1 month ahead of our baby) and had to have a tumor removed from his lung cavity! It was so amazing to watch. The doctors went into the mother's uterous and cut it open and got to the tiny developing baby. The couldn't bring the babies head out of the placenta, it wasn't ready to be born yet of course. But they ended up bringing his arm out, the smallest, most precious little arm and hand in the world. I was just amazed at what these doctors could do. Here they were saving the life of a 5 month developed child and it was half delivered and half not. AMAZING! The doctor could hold the little baby's hand, which was the size of his thumb nail. The baby turned out fine, but did come 6 weeks early. But today he is a fully funtioning 3 year old boy. God sure does amazing things!


Anonymous said...

Hey Melissa,
My friend's son had an intrauterine trasfusion 3-4 times when she was pregnant with him. Her blood was incompatible with his, and she was attacking the baby. So they did a complete blood exchange on the baby, and today Bradley is a great kid!

Anonymous said...

wow mellie that is amazing! human life is so unbelievably miraculous! yes you are right, God is incredible. no where does that scream louder than from the development of a precious little baby. it is an exciting journey and i am happy you are savouring it!
xo deb