Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The nursery... out of control!

Well, I suppose it's time to start organizing the nursery considering it's quickly filling up with gifts and stuff people are dropping off!! It has come to the point where I can hardly see the floor because everything is just being stored there. I am just such a organized person that I am having problems deciding how to organize the stuff!!! I mean, take the clothing situation. I have stuff for 0-3 month, 3-6 months, 6-9 months, and then 9 months - 1 year but I am stressing over how to organize that stuff! I don't want to forget what I have and also, I know that sometimes babies fit into 3-6 month stuff sooner than later. I don't want to miss out on one outfit because it was packed away! So do I put stuff in drawers, or do I hang it in the closet, or put them in little rubbermaid containers... see my issue? I am way too much of an organizer. Your opinion?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should probably have containers for each size group (0-3,3-6,6-12,12-18 and toddler)you can put clothes,toys and books that are best for that age. It will be like Christmas each time you are ready to open a new box. Get a good size rubbermaid then as the baby grows out of something just put it in the box and things are organized for the next one.