Saturday, October 06, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving Weekend!

Thanks everyone for your birthday wishes and presents!!! I am definitely loved and supported! I took these two pictures of my new baby items that I am so excited about.
The first is the newest trend in diaper bags: groovy, chic, oriental looking bags that noone would ever know is a diaper bag. My how things have changed since the days of the Winnie the Pooh bags. I am absolutely in LOVE with my new bag - Thanks Lyn!! It has a matching diaper changing pad and the inside is made of vinyl for easy wipe downs. SO MUCH FUN!
The second is a breast feeding pillow that goes around you when you are feeding. Makes it much easier on the Mommy since she doesn't have to hold the baby in her arms. The little one can rest on the pillow and be at the right level. The pattern matches the crib bedding except in blue! I look forward to taking this to the hospital because it makes learning to breast feed a lot easier.
Later the pillow can also be used to prop the baby up in the sitting position. All around a VERY wonderful gift for both Sommer and I.
Not sure if you all read the LeaderPost today but the had a front page article on how the labour & delivery and Mommy & Baby ward are full to the max! They have a waitlist for women who are to be induced which can last up to 16 days past the due date of the baby. My friend Shauna Kaytor was featured in the article as she is almost 2 weeks over due. Pray that her baby will come soon naturally so that she will be able to deliver the baby soon. They won't send you away if you are in natural labour as those baby's won't hold off being delivered. It is not much fun for those overdue moms! Hopefully little Sommer comes soon on her own as I will not want to be at home waiting for a phone call for enducing!
Hope everyone has a wonderful thanksgiving weekend :) Eat LOTS of turkey and enjoy special time with family. This will be my last thanksgiving just James and I... so much will change in just a few short weeks.
Love always,

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