Sunday, October 28, 2007

Welcome Sommer Lyn McCullough

We are home! After 15 hours of labour, 1 night and 1 day in the NICU, and 1 day in the Mommy/Baby Ward, we are a family!
It all started early Thursday morning with contractions 10 mins apart at 1:30 am. By 2:30 am they were 5 mins apart and by 4:00 am we were checking into the labour/Delivery Ward Room 1. Contractions were 4 mins apart for most of the time and I spent most of the time in the bath tub where the contractions were not as strong. But you can't spend the whole time in there are when I would get out I thought I would pass out. I stalled at 4 cm and tried to hold off the epidural but I just couldn't do it. The pain was too intense. So at 4 cm I got the epidural and had a nap. A couple hours later I was checked again and I was still 4 cm so they hooked me up to the drip. Once that drip went in me I was off to the races... 20 minutes later I was 6 cm and 45 mins I was 8 cm. They broke my water at 8 cm and honestly instantly I was at 10 cm. TIME TO PUSH!My doctor was in a funeral so I pushed for 2 hours and got an episiotomy and the next push Sommer arrived.
Her heartbeat had been dropping a lot during labour so I was constantly rolling around to my side. So when she was born the NICU Team was in there to help her out and they stole her from me to observe her because she was in shock. It was so sad that they took her right away, but at least she was being cared for. I didn't get to see her until she was already 4.5 hours old but James was with her for quite a while. It was so sad to see her hooked up to all the wires and monitors and I couldn't hold her. Finally Friday morning they called me to feed her and they started to ween her off the I.V.'s as I feed her throughout the day. It wasn't until Friday evening at 6:30 pm that they gave us to her for good! We could hold her and fuss her up whenever we wanted to.
All in all we are doing great and enjoying life as a family of 3. Hard to believe that little angel was inside me for so many months, it's sure great to have her out and in my arms! Thanks for your prayers and encouraging words. The life of a mommy is one I would never trade anything for, I love it!

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