Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Date Night!

Sorry I didn't get any pictures posetd last night! I was really busy because I had a DATE NIGHT!!!

We went out for supper to Boston Pizza. We spent much of the supper on the cell phone as James wanted to call AirMiles and see how many Miles it took to fly somewhere warm. We have 1.5 free trips to L.A. we found out. HORRAY! Other than spending time on the phone, which if you are dating is a real no-no to do when on a date (but we are old married people), the dinner was good and the service was ok. After we had dinner we went to the Pats Hockey Game.

I can remember going to the Pats Hockey and thinking how old and good looking these guys were. I must have been REALLY young! When we went yesterday everyone there was around the age of 15. The young highschool girls were dressed to the nine and the young hockey boys thought they were at an NHL game. The players that I thought were so "cool" and "old" were between the ages of 16-20! That's as young as my brother and as old as my sister! I must admit they were good hockey players and it was a fun place to go on a date. I spent much of the evening pigging out on buttered popcorn and mini-donuts. The Pats were playing the Portland Winterhawks and that is my dad's team, well he is the chaplain for the team. The Pats beat the Winterhawks 7-0.

I thought our date night was over after the hockey game but when we got home and turned on the TV we saw that The Notebook had just started. It's such a good movie! I could watch that one over and over and over again without ever getting tired of it.

It was a great night to hang out with the hubby! Tonight I am afraid we are going to work on the house again but we have to get somethings done... the sooner we get it done, the sooner we can move in!

1 comment:

Sheena said...

Sorry I didn't come crash your date like Conrad did, I was not feeling very well at all. And then my mother-in-law phoned and talked for 45 min, definately cutting into my sleep time, oh well!
I have a date tonight...but not with Conrad, with my friend Sonja, movie and coffee, I am excited!