Thursday, September 07, 2006

Fingerprinting Today!

Today I finally did something that I had been putting off for some time now. I went down to the police office and got fingerprinted. Don't freak out, I didn't committ a crime or anything, I have to get this done for becoming a Real Estate Agent! Here is how the procedure works.

I plugged the meter and then walked up to the Station. Checked in with the gaurd and then made my way up to the second floor. There I talked to this man who sounded like Napoleon Dynamite, seriously! So they took all my I.D. and then told me to wait till an officer was ready. I kind of felt weird sitting in this waiting area. I felt like I had done something wrong, this sense of guilt came over me! Finally they told me that an officer was waiting down the hall.

I walked down the hall and into this small room. This room was all metal (why are most rooms in police stations metal and cold) and it was very "unfriendly." The nice man (Sgt. Wallace) introduced himself and stood up to shake my hand. I opened my mouth and said "Sir, you are SO TALL!!!". He told me he was 6'10", a giant! I am only 5'1", so I looked like a midget to him! But he was nice and rolled my fingers in ink and told me how to make them loose so he could roll them properly.

When this was all done I asked him if criminals come to this room to get fingerprint. He said that they did and then went on to tell me about all the crazy sick people who had sat in the exact chair I was sitting in. I definetly used the Anti-bacterial gel when I was done in that room!!!!! I still feel like I caught something sitting in that room and touching the counter.

All in all it was a great, fun learning experience. Thanks to Sgt. Wallace for a good time and good stories but I hope I won't see you again soon.

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