Friday, October 13, 2006

Before my life is over.....

Lately I have been thinking about what I would like to do before I do: where do I still need to travel, what do I still need to participate in, who I still need to meet. It's amazing how quickly life can pass you bye, and you will open your eyes 45 years down the road and think, what I have I done with my life. I want my life to be productive and exciting, but most important I don't want to loose sight of the truely important parts of life like God, family, friends and lasting memories.

Here are somethings that I would still like to do in my life:

  • Go on a family vacation with my family or James' family: Family vacations are extremely important and for those families who have not had one in a while you are missing out. Family vacations are different when you are older than when your family was younger because you become friends as you grow up.
  • Attend an Oprah show taping: Doesn't matter what show (maybe Oprah's Favorite Things show if I could...). I would just love to meet this very influencial woman and see what she is like in person
  • Have thanksgiving with my family: I miss the days of sitting around the table and talking with my family about what I am thankful for. I love my family!
  • Have a child: I am at the point in my life where I am beginning to think about becoming a parent. I would like to see this dream accomplished in the next year and a half too.
  • Have a Successful Career: Like most people starting out I hope my career takes off and that I enjoy what I am doing. Money is always good, but my main goal is to enjoy going to work and love going to work and not feel like I have too. That's why I am excited about becoming a Real estate agent.
  • Lead a study for teenage girls on the importance of purity and honesty: For those of you who know my life story and the paths I took when I was a teenager you would know why I feel strongly about this topic. My desire is to teach young girls about purity and ask the hard questions and search together for the answers that God has provided. This is not always a subect that parents feel comfortable talking to their girls about and girls do not feel comfortable discussing this with their parents. That's why I also want to......
  • Lead a study/session for parents on discussing purity and honesty with their daughter: This is also a dream that I have of mine. I would love to share my story with other parents. This would allow parents to see they are not alone in their concerns. Looking back on my highschool years there are things I wish my parents did differently, but I am also thankful for many things my did do out of love. I would love to share these things with parents to help give my support and share with them things that changed my life.

I hope that I am able to accomplish many of those things. I know that I will keep working towards these things until they are all accomplished.

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